A New Year, A New Approach
Today's homebuyer is recognizing that in order to have an edge in the real estate market, they must have a complete financial plan in place before even starting their home search.
A professional financial advisor will get you on the right track, giving you suggestions on how to clean up your personal finances and organize your current debts. You'll also want to run a credit check on yourself and verify that the information shown in your file is correct. There are two national credit bureaus in Canada: Equifax Canada (www.equifax.ca) and TransUnion Canada (www.transunion.ca) - check with both of them. You can get a copy of your credit file mailed to you for free or, if you prefer to see it immediately, you can request it online for a nominal fee. Note that while your mailed credit report is available to you for free, there is no free service to access your actual credit score.
Once you have an idea of your current financial status and therefore the general price range you'd like to stay within, we'll sit down together and begin the process of searching for your ideal home. You may even want to talk to your loan provider about a pre-approved mortgage, as having this in-hand can often give you the edge over another bidder when making a competing offer on a house.
Thinking of moving in 2014? Please call today for the latest updates on today's real estate market, especially local conditions in your area of interest.
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